Apothic Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine 750ml 750 Ml
Immerse your senses in smooth, full-bodied Apothic Cabernet Sauvignon. This red wine combines only the softest tannin Cabernet grapes with Zinfandel to bring distinct notes of blackberry and hints of strawberry. Layers of black cherry meld with hints of rhubarb and spice, and a touch of oak aging gives a subtle undercurrent of vanilla and mocha. Apothic red wine is perfect for drinking on its own or mixing in cocktail recipes. It's also a great wine to pair with your favorite foods, like burgers, grilled steak or roasted vegetables. Perfect for any occasion, Apothic Cabernet Sauvignon pairs with your night—wherever it takes you. This bottle also makes a great wine gift for a birthday or anniversary. Each 750 mL wine bottle contains about 6 glasses of wine with 13.5% alcohol by volume. Discover flavor-forward, unforgettable wines with Apothic. In addition to Cabernet Sauvignon, Apothic also offers Pinot Noir, Merlot and other varieties.