Apothic Crush Red Wine Blend 750ml 750 Ml
Indulge your senses with luscious Apothic Crush Red Wine Blend. Brimming with notes of dark cherry and blackberry, this red wine features supple tannins that deliver hints of rich caramel. Petite Sirah, Pinot Noir and Zinfandel lead the blend on this wine, delivering a long, smooth finish. Apothic Crush is perfect for drinking at room temperature on its own or in cocktail recipes. It's also a great wine to pair with your favorite foods, like pizza, spicy curry or barbecue dishes. Ideal for any occasion, Apothic Crush is the perfect wine to accompany a night of endless possibilities. This red wine also makes a great wine gift for a birthday or anniversary. Each 750 mL wine bottle contains about 6 glasses of wine with 13.9% alcohol by volume. Discover flavor-forward, unforgettable wines with Apothic. In addition to Apothic Crush, Apothic also offers Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and other varieties.