Tincup Whiskey, American 750 Ml
Cut with Rocky Mountain water. Tincup Whiskey is a blend of two great American whiskeys, each aged in 3 charred oak barrels. High-rye bourbon, distilled and aged in Indiana, is blended with a small amount of Colorado single malt whiskey. These whiskeys are then cut with Rocky Mountain water. Tincup is named for the Colorado mining pioneers and the tin cups from which they drank their whiskey. Enjoy. Elevation 5,251 feet. I made Tincup in honor of Colorado’s first whiskey drinkers and the tin cups they drank from. Inspired by the mountains, Tincup is a blend of two great American whiskeys. High-rye bourbon, distilled and aged in Indiana, is blended with a small amount of Colorado single malt whiskey and then cut with Rocky Mountain water. Hope you like it. - Jess Graber. Jess Graber, Founder of Tincup. At 22, Jess Graber picked up his bags and moved to Colorado in hopes of finding himself and inspiration. A volunteer fire fighter, Jess fell in love with the mountains and discovered his passion for distillation. 42% alc. by vol. (84 proof). Bottled by Tincup Whiskey Denver, Colorado. Product of USA.