Keep your Super Saver Receipt and Save on Gas!
Instant Fuel Rewards! Fill your gas at Super Saver pump on your grocery shopping trip!
One reward receipt may be used per fill-up.
Single receipt total of qualifying purchases must first meet or exceed $10 to begin fuel Reward.
Discounts expire 30 days from the date of purchase. Maximum Fuel reward purchase is 20 gallons.
Instant Fuel Reward Locations
You can use your Super Saver grocery receipt to redeem* fuel discount at these store locations: click on the location to get the directions to the store.
*Taxes, Fuel, Tobacco, Courtesy Counter Services, Gift or Phone Cards, Video Sales; and Third Party Pharmacy Payments are excluded from qualifying purchases.Out-of-pocket Pharmacy expenses and co-pays are included, as are purchases made with gift cards.
Fallbrook Lincoln (has fuel pump)
W 2nd Street Grand Island
Five Points Grand Island(has fuel pump)

Frequently asked questions about Fallbrook Super Saver Fuel Rewards:
Do I need to fill out a form or sign up for Fuel Rewards?
No, use your Super Saver grocery receipt at locations with fuel pumps.
How much fuel can be discounted?
The maximum is 20 gallons.
If I buy less than 20 gallons, is my discount still available for next time?
No, Fuel Rewards are one use only per receipt. When a receipt code is used, the discount is applied to a single tank of fuel, regardless of its size.
Does my reward expire?
Yes, If a Fuel Reward isn't used, it will expire 30 days from the date of purchase.
Is there a limit on the rewards that can be used?
Yes, only one receipt may be used per fill-up. The maximum reward is 12 cents per gallon.
Can I redeem fuel reward at all the Super Saver store locations?
No, the fuel rewards are available at Fallbrook and Five Points fuel pumps.
Can I carry over Fallbrook fuel reward on my Super Saver receipt to use at Grand Island's fuel pump?
No, the fuel rewards are limited to the Fallbrook and Five Points locations' fuel pump.